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Episode 2: The Subtle Spy in your brain

Ever had a hard time making a change or making a new habit stick?

Likely you were focused on the action or habit and NOT the underlying belief behind it. Being aware of where our results actually come from is our secret superpower.

I'm revealing it all today. Knowledge is power - and knowing what's going on inside our brains is what unlocks our power to change anything and everything. In this episode, we start exploring the 3 pillars to Reclaiming your Brain, and go more into depth on the first pillar of awareness.

We talk about what awareness is, why it's essential and how to start using awareness in your life today. You may think you're already aware of your brain, yet most of us actually aren't and we're talking about why and how this applies to changing ourselves and our lives.

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Email me at [email protected] for questions, feedback, or to set up your stress solutions call.